Digital Marketing Process

Website Audits & Strategy Sessions

If you're not sure whether to tune-up, refresh or completely overhaul your website, start with our website audit or a website strategy session.

Our website and SEO audits provide you with critical information about how your website is performing. Find out what needs to happen to get your website running like a well oiled machine.

Website AuditWebsite Audit

Could your website be doing more your business or organization? See what is working on your current website and find out areas that could be improved. You’ll receive a website audit report as well as a 30 minute consultation to review the audit and answer any questions.

Your custom website audit report includes:

  • Website analytics (how many visitors, where are they coming from, popular content on your website, etc.)
  • Site speed and performance
  • Mobile friendliness
  • Design and user experience
  • Security vulnerabilities
  • Basic SEO analytics
  • Accessibility to search engines
  • Suggestions for improving your website


SEO AnalyticsSEO Audit

SEO doesn’t have to be so mysterious. We’ll provide you with a customized report that explains the data and what you can do to improve your website to help drive organic traffic to your website. You’ll receive an SEO audit report as well as a 30 minute consultation to review the audit and answer any questions.

Your SEO audit report includes:

  • Your current domain authority (basically how Google sees you in comparison to other websites)
  • The top 50 keywords your website ranks for (this is where your pages show up in a Google search)
  • Insights for improving your SEO from a more technical aspect - things like improving page speed, redirects, etc.
  • Opportunities for links (having links to your website on other websites is an important part of SEO)
  • Content suggestions for blog posts, landing pages and lead magnets


Website Strategy SessionWebsite Strategy Session

Perfect solution for communications directors, marketing directors or business owners that are considering a website overhaul or refresh and would like to walk through options before investing the time and energy into an RFP. This is also a good solution for businesses and organizations that have very specific issues or questions about their website.

Your one-hour strategy session includes:

  • Review of analytics before call
  • Strategy session customized based on your specific needs. We’ll dive into your business or organizational goals and how your website can help get you there.
