8 Pieces of Content to Add to Your Nonprofit’s Website Today
Sure, your website includes some core content—information that you put up, and it stays relatively the same for a while. Think about pages like About Us or Contact. That said, to help people find you and keep them coming back for more, you need a stream of dynamic content that changes on a regular basis. This can seem overwhelming, but, I promise, it doesn’t have to be.
Here are eight pieces of content that you and your team can share on your website on a regular basis:
1. Impact stories
At your nonprofit or foundation, you likely hear incredible stories of impact on a near-daily basis. You know the client or site visit stories that give you goosebumps or bring wetness to your eyes? Those stories that make you feel like you are doing the right thing in the world—the ones you share with colleagues, board members or with your family at dinner.
Inspire others by sharing them more broadly on your website. Write a quick blog entry about your experience, how you felt and what the story means to your organization. If you can, include a photo or a quote. Don’t overthink it, just get it out.
2. Donor stories
Along the same lines as above, write a brief donor story that tells about a donor’s unique gift to your organization or highlights why they give in the first place.
If writing and storytelling aren’t your strong suits, consider interviewing a donor and sharing their story in a Q&A format. It’s oh so easy and fun to read as well.
Stories are great for sharing on social media, and you can use them to drive traffic back to your site. Hopefully, a visitor will poke around at other pages while they’re on the site to learn more (score!).
3. Blog posts
You can share just about anything on your blog. I’m a big fan of repurposing content you’ve created for other pieces on your blog—for instance a newsletter article or annual report story.
It doesn’t have to be a long post or a big ordeal. It can be as simple as a photo with a caption. By all means, if you want to dive in and explain something complex like legislation that impacts your work go with it!
My last point on blogs—spread the love. Invite other staff to write guest posts on the blog. Show off the great people at your organization and let their expertise shine. They are an important part of the story of your organization.
4. Immediate needs
Depending on what type of organization you are with, you may have a running list of immediate needs. In addition to general donations, you can give donors an up-to-date list of items needed at your organization. This type of thing demonstrates that you’re active and engaged. Donors also feel good about fulfilling these types of needs.
5. Upcoming events
Are you hosting a gala or maybe a more informal evening for prospective donors to tour your organization? Share it on your website. A lot of events may warrant having a full calendar of events. Otherwise, these things could be homepage features or posted on your blog.
6. Pull quotes
Let me explain what I mean by this. If the stories mentioned above intimidates you, explore ways to use a donor photo and a simple quote from them on your site as a homepage feature. You can also use this technique to share a stat, a surprising result or new finding from your work. Think of it as super lite storytelling.
7. Photos
We are visual creatures, and we like seeing photos of ourselves and our friends doing cool things. Take photos of your volunteers in action or at your next event and add a photo gallery to your site.
8. Press releases
Give a new grant or are you the recipient of one? Chances are a press release will be crafted about it. After a release is shared with the media, you get to reuse and repurpose that content on your site (score, again!).
Press releases (and many of the other content ideas shared in this post) make for awesome homepage features.
Finally, why should you be proactive about adding content to your site? Keep in mind the algorithms for search engines, like Google and Bing, are looking for new content. The more you have, the higher your websites will rank when potential customers search for something related to your cause or mission.
I want to help you help people find you. Let’s connect on your content strategy!